
It's the Economy Stupid

The Yuma Sun reports that Yuma County is following the rest of the State of Arizona in the economic downturn. The reports of the increasing numbers of people unemployed are a bit daunting, and the housing market continues to decline.

Is there any good news? Some suggest the federal stimulus package holds out hope for more jobs in Arizona, up to 70,000, and banks receiving money will help stimulate lending and home buying again.

The good news for the Yuma Cabana Motel is we have not had to reduce our workforce, and have been able to fill employment vacancies as they arise. We seem to be surviving pretty well considering the downturn. Our goal is to keep our employees working, and at the same time keep our prices low for our guests.

We are taking appropriate measures to save where we can without cutting corners in the quality of products and services we provide. We have been implementing eco-friendly policies for a while now, which is even more important during this downturn in the economy because these policies help us save. We ask our guests to help us save by reducing unnecessary laundry and cut back on electricity by turning out the lights.
  • YC TRAVEL TIP: Shop for a room like you would any other purchase. Drive by, look inside and see what you get for the money. You will be pleasantly surprised by what the Yuma Cabana has to offer for the price. It truly is hard to believe!
The fact that our price points are much lower than the newly constructed chain hotels is helping bring more price conscious business our way. We encourage you to drive by, check out one of our rooms before you decide - and see the value for yourself. Many of our guests, once they discover us, are so pleased to have found such a great place to stay at a fraction of the cost of other rooms in town, they wonder why they have been paying so much elsewhere, for essentially the same product. In addition, our stellar customer service and 100% satisfaction guarantee policy attracts customers and keeps them coming back.

Thank you for your continued and dedicated business. It is you that keeps us going and helps us do our part in keeping Yuma employed!

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