During the summer, traveling to Yuma can still be very pleasant, if you take precautions to beat the heat. This is really a very serious issue, because overheating can cause health problems faster than you might think, or even realize. When temperatures get in the triple digits, you need to plan ahead to make sure you hydrate, much more than normal.
If you arrive in Yuma via airplane, you need to pay even more attention - because you are suddenly transported to a very dry, hot environment - AND you probably have suffered from some dehydration during flight. It's a double whammy!
- YC TRAVEL TIP: Start hydrating before you begin travel by drinking extra water. My favorite brand of water is SMART water, because it contains electrolytes. For whatever reason I actually notice SMART water keeps me feeling great in Yuma.
The desert heat is a killer, and you just need to keep your awareness level up. The weird thing is, you NEVER see the locals drinking water. It is just crazy. But their bodies are acclimated to the heat, UNLIKE yours.
- YC TRAVEL TIP: Drink lots of water BEFORE you start feeling ill, and your trip will be much more enjoyable. If you make a mistake, and start feeling nauseous, force some water down RIGHT AWAY, and within a few minutes, you will feel better again.
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